Brochure Design

The objective of this project was to create an attractive high-end brochure for a fictitious company called Ocotilloasis, a landscape design company based in Arizona. Their objective in commissioning this brochure was to upgrade their clientele to the more affluent communities of Arizona. Ocotilloasis provided the logo, body copy, and imagery.
The first step of the creative process was to brainstorm different layout ideas via thumbnails. Although I did not commit entirely to one design idea, I feel these three sets of thumbnails represent most of the design decisions I maintained in the final product.
This is the first side of the brochure. It features the front and back panel, as well as the first instance of body copy. The primary challenge in designing this side was positioning and sizing the logos in a way that felt smart and upscale.
This is the other side of the brochure, which features the bulk of the body copy. The challenge of this section was determining settings for the copy that fill the pages without looking sparse or awkward. One way I aimed to naturally fill the wealth of space was to include a map of areas Ocotilloasis had previously served.
Finally, here is a photographic mock-up of the brochure.
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